Thursday, 22 September 2011

Methods Muslims use to attack Christianity

Counter Apologetics

When dealing with Muslims it is wise to understand some of the approaches used by them to discredit Christianity. Much could be written on each of the following subjects with numerous examples. But, instead, I will simply expound on the areas common among Muslim approaches and point out what to watch for.

No. 1 Attack the validity of the Bible
This is expected. If the Muslim can undermine the strength and integrity of God's word, then it would be much easier for him to win arguments, confound the Christian, and make converts of those who don't know the truth and power of the Bible. This is what the devil did in the Garden of Eden. Satan said, "You truly will not die," (Gen. 3:4). I am not calling Muslims satanic. I am simply pointing out that that is how deception begins, by bringing doubt upon God's word, and that this is exactly what Muslims do. They try and get people to doubt the Bible and then tell you how great Islam is. Various methods are used here to accomplish this:

Stating that the Bible has numerous contradictions Of course, I cannot go through all the alleged Bible contradictions here. But my observation has been that the majority of "biblical contradictions" raised by Muslims are nothing more than examples of their lack of understanding of biblical theology and context. Always read the context of verses. Don't let a Muslim simply state that there are contradictions and leave it at that. Ask him to give you one. If you cannot answer it, do research and get back to him. Sure, there are some tough areas of scripture, but there are no contradictions in God's word.1

Criticizing the lack of original manuscripts The point here is that because we do not have the original manuscripts of the Bible, we cannot really know what the originals said and, therefore, the Bible could have been corrupted. They then compare the Bible to the Qur’an and state that the Qur’an is the guaranteed, preserved, direct word of Allah given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad. Of course, what they fail to mention is

- The Bible documents are well attested as being reliable and accurate. (See the book, Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell.)
- Regarding the Qur’an, Muhammad couldn't read or write, so he recited the Qur’an to people who then wrote it down. There is no evidence at all that the Qur’an was written down in its entirety in Muhammad's lifetime and compiled as a unit. So how could he have verified its truth?
Shortly after Muhammad's death, the Muslim Uthman ordered all sets of the Qur’an manuscripts to be destroyed except the codex of Zaid. Why? Is it because Zaid's copy was better? If so, how do we know? Did differences in the copies arise so quickly that discrepancies were evident and Uthman recognized the need for a standardized copy lest Islam suffer division? It raises doubt on the Qur’an's supposed incorruptibility.
Muslims claim that Allah said the Qur’an would be preserved. But, the mere claim is not enough. It is using the Qur’an to substantiate the Qur’an which is circular reasoning.

Claiming that the Bible is false because it contradicts the Qur’an. This is simply begging the question. That means that one assumes the validity of the thing that he is trying to prove. The Muslim assumes the validity of the Qur’an and because it contradicts the Bible, therefore the Bible is wrong. Well, the Christian can just as easily state that the Qur’an is wrong because it contradicts the Bible. But the Muslims would not accept that. Therefore, why should we accept their argument?

No. 2 Attempt to set Paul against Jesus
Muslims often make the claim that Paul never met Jesus and was not a disciple or apostle of Jesus. Of course, this is not true. Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, after Jesus' resurrection. Jesus spoke to him and commissioned him. So, Paul met Jesus. Also, Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus, authenticated Paul's writings by calling them scripture in 2 Pet. 3:15-16. If they are inspired, then they cannot contradict Jesus' words.

In addition, many Muslims claim that Jesus never claimed to be God and that Paul is the one who wrote that Jesus was God. First of all, if they admit that Paul wrote that Jesus was God, then remind them of 2 Pet. 3:15-16 where Peter calls Paul's writings Scripture. Nevertheless, they sometimes assert that Paul hijacked Christianity and took it over and made Jesus into something He was not. This claim is false. Perhaps the primary area where Muslims think Paul and Jesus contradict is in the area of who Jesus is. Paul states that Jesus is God in flesh: Col. 2:9 says, "For in Him the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form." Muslims assert that no where in the Gospels did Jesus claim to be God. Therefore, they claim, Paul's words are not true and the Bible is not trustworthy. This attack by Muslims is an attack based out of opinion.

Jesus did claim to be God In John 8:56-59, it says, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." 57The Jews therefore said to Him, "You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?" 58Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am" 59Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple."2 Why did the Pharisees want to kill Jesus? They explain their reason in John 10:33 when they say, "For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God," (KJV). Whether or not the Muslim will accept this, let alone agree that this is correct, matters little because his presupposition will not allow him to accept, no matter what. Nevertheless, the text clearly states that the Pharisees understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. Also, consider John 5:18 where the Apostle John says, "Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God," (KJV). In this verse Jesus healed on the Sabbath and the Pharisees thought He was breaking the Sabbath law. John the Apostle also states that when Jesus claimed that God was His Father, that it was "making himself equal with God." The Muslim will always find a way to argue out of these texts. But, two facts remain. First, Jesus claimed to be God. Second, the Pharisees denied that Jesus was God and the Muslims agree with them. There are other areas that the Muslims will say are where Jesus and Paul do not agree, but when they bring it up, always ask for an example. Each time I've done this, I've discovered that the Muslim did not have a sufficient understanding of what the text is saying. Remember, always read the context.

No. 3 Misrepresentation of Christian doctrine
Sadly, this is a very common error of the Muslims. The single greatest instance of this is in the doctrine of the Trinity. Muslims so often attack a false understanding of the Trinity by stating that it is three gods. That is not the correct Christian definition of the Trinity doctrine. Christianity does not teach there are three gods. It never has and it never will. The doctrine of the Trinity is that there is only one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Trinitarianism is monotheistic. If a Muslim continues to proclaim that the Trinity is three gods, then I simply stop discussing the issue with him because he is not willing to accept what the definition is and it isn't possible to have a meaningful dialogue.

Another Christian doctrine they fail to understand is the Hypostatic Union. This is the teaching that Jesus is one person with two natures. He is both God and man as is declared in Col. 2:9, "For in Him [Jesus] dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Because Jesus was also a man, we have verses such as John 14:28 where Jesus says "the Father is greater than I." Muslims will say that if Jesus is God, how could He be greater than Himself? Of course, they fail to understand the Trinity (three persons) and they fail to understand that Jesus, as a man (Phil. 2:5-8), cooperated with the limitations of being a man and was in a lower position than the Father (Heb. 2:9) for a while. Sometimes Muslims refuse to accept Christian explanations for things because it doesn't fit their agenda nor their preconceived ideas of what they think Christianity is. Oddly enough, Christians often contribute to this problem by offering inadequate and sometimes erring explanations of Christian doctrine. Thus, many Muslims are led into error regarding what Christianity really teaches. Christians need to know their doctrine, and Muslims need to understand the proper explanations for those doctrines.

No. 4 Misinterpreting various Scripture passages
A very good example of misrepresentation of biblical passages can be found in a dialogue I had with a Muslim regarding John 1:1, 14. These verses say, "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." Verse 14 says "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." The Muslim I was speaking to reasoned thus:

If the word is God then we can insert the word "god" into the verse each time it says "word." Therefore, we would have it say 'In the beginning was the God and the God was with God and God was God.' As you can see, this makes no sense. Therefore, when you go to verse 14 where it says the word became flesh, it cannot mean that God became flesh, because John 1:1 makes no sense."

As you can see, this kind of logic is very bad. First of all, John 1:1 does not say what he said it does. It does not speak in contradictory terms the way he tried to make it sound. Instead, it uses both the word "word" and the word "god" in the sentence. I told him that he needed to go with what the text does say and not with what it does not say. In other words, he reconstructed it in such a way as to purposely not make sense and then he attacked that.

Another verse, or verses, that they misinterpret is when Jesus says that He is the Son of God. To the Muslim, this means that God literally had a wife and produced a literal son. Of course, this is not what is meant by the biblical account. Son ship is in relation to the Fatherhood of God in a spiritual and metaphoric sense. After all, Jesus says that God is spirit (John 4;24). Of course, God would not have a body of flesh and bones with which to procreate children. What the Muslims are guilty of doing is imposing Islamic understandings upon biblical texts and then complaining about the biblical texts in light of how they interpret them. This is not how one should go about "refuting the opposition." Rather, the Muslim should seek to understand the biblical/cultural context and deal with the issue from that perspective not a fabricated one as this example shows.

No. 5 Failing to differentiate between Protestant and Catholic doctrines
Sadly, Christianity is not in complete unity in all things which is why we have denominations. I am dismayed at the fragmentation within Christianity and think it is a poor witness to the world. But, the fact is that differences of opinions among Christians do occur. In fact, we are allowed to have differences of opinion according to God's word found in Rom. 14: 1-13. True Christians are all united in the essentials of the faith and are often divided on the non-essentials. This does not mean we are not all Christians, but that we have differences of opinions on some things. However, in the 1500s, there was a major split in the Catholic church. It was called the Reformation. (..). When Muslims say "Christians believe ...", be careful that they do not make too broad a generalization as they continue their attack.

No. 6 Claim their logic is correct and Christian logic is incorrect
Many Muslims have told me that what I am saying about God, Salvation, the Bible, etc., isn't logical. Now, perhaps some things I say are not logical. But, I've not heard any convincing arguments yet demonstrating what is and is not logical regarding Christian doctrine. Usually, the Muslim will simply say that Jesus having two natures is not logical or that the Trinity being three persons doesn't make sense. But saying so doesn't make it so. There is nothing illogical about a part of God being able to become a person and add human nature to Himself. It may not be the easiest thing in the world to understand, but it is not illogical. Neither does saying that the Trinity is three persons is illogical make it so. Surely anyone would agree that when we encounter God and His self revelation there will be things that are difficult to understand. The Trinity certainly falls under that category. But, the Trinity doctrine is not against logic. It would be illogical to say that one God is three gods, or that one person is three persons. But that is not what Christianity teaches. I've found that when dialoguing with Muslims and when reading their material against Christianity, that their claim to know real logic is really an extension of their Muslim thought and not a mastery of logic at all.

No. 7 Switching topics when challenged
Sometimes when discussing subjects that Muslims find difficult to answer, they will quickly change the subject. Very often this change involves attacking the Bible. Other times they will testify that they know Islam is true or they will simply say that you do not known what you are talking about. But when they change the subject you must be patient. Lovingly bring them back to the subject at hand. I have had to do this many times when discussing Islam with Muslims. This is a small but very important point. Too many Christians fall into the trap of allowing themselves to be diverted from the subject at hand. Do not let a Muslim simply ignore a question and start a new subject when it gets tough. Likewise, Christians should not simply change the subject when it gets difficult for them either. Instead, if you do not know the answer to a question, simply admit it. Go to some research and then get back with them. Always remember to be gracious. You will not win the Muslim to the Lord with cruelty and rudeness. And remember that we are in the spiritual battle. Love and truth in the name of Jesus is more powerful than any perfect answer. When dialoguing with Muslims, please remember to be respectful and patient. But, check everything they say and listen to them. They do not have the market cornered on truth, even though they think they do.

There is an exception due to a textual copyist error. In 2 Chr. 36:9, it states that "Jehoiachin was eight years old when he became king," and 2 Kings 24:8, states that "Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he became king..." This is not an error in the original manuscripts. Most likely, one of the small horizontal strokes used in recording numbers during the time of Chronicles writing was either smudged out or faded. (Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, by Gleason Archer, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI., 1982, page 215.)

2. Note: in
Exodus 3:14 God says, "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you," (KJV).



Christian Counter Apologetics

Some examples

If Christianity is so great, how come we hear of a higher divorce rate among Christians, alcoholism and drug abuse, priests raping children and homosexuals being married in churches?

Divorce is not allowed in Christianity except for adultery (Matthew 19:3-9). Alcohol, drugs, or any destructive habits to the body are totally forbidden in Christianity (1Corinthians 6:19&20). Fornication with children or adults is condemned in Christianity (1 Corinthians 7:18). Homosexuality is forbidden in Christianity (Romans 1:26&27), and was called abomination in the Bible (Leviticus 18:22). Because of homosexuality God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ( Genesis 19:25).

It is clear that those who commit such sins, although they may be called "Christians," are actually not, because they don't follow the teachings of Christianity. The holy Book of any religion is the only base to judge a religion, not those who break its commandments.

The same rule applies to Islam. We don't judge Islam by the behaviour of Muslims but by the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith.

How can Christians worship three gods? Is it conceivable that God gives birth to a son?

Christianity doesn't believe in three gods, but one true God (James 2:19, Deuteronomy 6:4).

It is clear from both the Old and New Testaments that God is a triune God. The concept of a triune God is the most logical because it reveals God as sufficient in Himself. As Christians, we believe in God being one God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
This is not 1+1+1=3, but rather 1x1x1=1.

The belief of Jesus being "the Son" of God doesn't come from the physical sense of the word. It doesn t mean that God, at a certain time, had sex and produced a child. Jesus is the Son of God from eternity.

To say that Jesus is the Son of God is to mean that He, spiritually, was with God from the beginning. (John1:1) However, at a certain point of time in history, he was miraculously incarnated into a human being through the Virgin Mary (Matthew 2:1), to redeem our fallen human race.

How can you argue that the Bible is not corrupted in the light of the existence of so many different versions of the Bible?

The different versions of the Bible, are different translations, using different languages and different dialects. All these translations are taken from the original texts and have been done by experts as accurately as humanly possible. If there are variations in the wording of the texts they are because of the different shades of meanings that the original words could carry. However, the essence of the Bible is the same. The same situation applies also to the Qur’an. There are many translations of the Qur’an, which differ from one another and those who don't speak Arabic have to rely on the translations.

The claim of the corruption of the Bible is an idea that Muslims had to invent to justify the many discrepancies of the Qur’an when compared to the Bible. For somebody to claim that the Bible in our hands is corrupt, they must be able to present the correct copy as evidence. There is no such correct copy of the Bible other than the one we have. Extant (currently existing) manuscripts of the Bible dating to the 4th and 5th centuries -- long before the birth of Islam -- are found to agree completely with the text we now have. The oldest extant fragment of the book of John dates to about 125 A.D.

The Qur’an actually testified to the validity of the Bible and repeatedly said so (see Sura 4:47; 2: 41, 91; 20:133; 29:46). Accordingly, Muslims can not argue that Christians and Jews corrupted their Bible before the birth of Islam.

On the other hand, It is inconceivable that the corruption of the Bible took place after Islam, either. It was virtually impossible for this to have happened, seven centuries after the birth of Christianity, and after Christianity had spread all over the world. By that time Christianity had divided into many denominations that were not even talking to one another, much less sitting down together and agreeing on a conspiracy to forge their Book. Also, how could they have kept this conspiracy a secret without having somebody coming out and disclosing it? This, in addition to the fact that the Bible had by then been translated into many languages, and so to corrupt the Bible one would have had to collect all the existing Bibles in the world and destroy them, which would have been impossible to do.

The Qur’an says that God revealed the Injil (the Gospel), to Jesus. However, Christians have four different Gospels written by four different men.
How do you explain this?

Contrary to what the Qur’an says, there was no such thing as an "Injil" that was given, revealed or taught to Jesus. No such book was ever found, or referred to in any historical references. When Mohammed came in, 7 centuries after Christ, the four Gospels were already known all over the known world, including the Arabian Peninsula. The Qur’an never claimed that there was anything wrong with the Book of the Christians, and never revealed a corrected version of it.

The word "injil" (gospel) is derived from the Greek language to mean "good news." St. Paul provided a definition of the Gospel in (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), "
Brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel, which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand: By which also ye are saved. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures." Although there are four gospels, but all of the four gospels are witnesses to that one gospel: that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again. All ended by stating this fact.

Jesus never ordered his disciples to record his words. He promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit to dwell in them, to teach them all things and remind them of all what Jesus had done and said (John 14:26). On the day of Pentecost, Jesus fulfilled his promise, when the Holy Spirit dwelt in the disciples (Acts2: 1-4, 15-22).

The four Gospels were written by four different men, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The gospels narrate, from different viewpoints, what Jesus did and said during his ministry.
They don't contradict, but rather complement one another.

What is the proof that the Crucifixion actually took place? How could an all-mighty God die at the hand of humans? Why would God need to die to save humanity, anyway? Doesn't the all-powerful God possess the authority to forgive whom He pleases, and when He pleases, without the need to die on a cross?

The story of the Crucifixion is a fact not fiction; it has been recorded by many reliable sources. Here are just a few examples:

Historians' Testimony such as the Greek Tacitos (A.D.55), the Jewish Falavius Josephus (A.D.37-97), The Romans Pliny the Younger and Seutonius, and many others who referred to the Crucifixion of Jesus in their writings.
The Jewish Talmud Testimony (Refer to the 1943 Amsterdam edition, page 42)
The Old Testament Testimony as it has been recorded in the many prophecies pointing to the Crucifixion (Genesis 3:15, Psalm 22:16, Isaiah 53, and Zechariah 11: 12-13).
Jesus' own Testimony in the New Testament predicting his own crucifixion (Matthew 17:22-23, Mark 8:31, and Luke 9:22).
The Gospels' Testimony.
The Apostles' Testimony (Acts 2:22-23, Romans 3:24, Romans 10:9-10, 1Corinthians 1:18), and in many other places, and their willingness to die for proclaiming that truth.
The Nicene Creed Testimony in A.D.325.

The Crucifixion of Jesus was not an accidental incident that happened by chance at some point in history. It was a divine and eternal plan. From the beginning, before man fell into sin, God knew what would happen and prepared a way to save man (1Peter 1:18-21, Acts2: 23-24).

When man disobeyed God by eating from the forbidden tree, he committed a gross sin against God. This sin is punishable by eternal death. The judgment came to Adam and his seed after him, who inherited the fallen nature (Romans 6:23, Ezekiel 18:20).

God can only act according to His basic attributes. Because God is faithful, He can not lie, and because He is just, He can not let sin go unpunished. God's plan for salvation must satisfy both His love and His justice (Psalms 85:10).

This could only be accomplished when God took human flesh and accepted death on the cross on our behalf, to pay the penalty of our sin (John 3:16; Romans 5: 8; 1John 4:10).

Why Christians and Jews don't believe in Mohammed, when the Bible predicted his coming?

Muslims cite many references in both Old and New Testaments to prove that Mohammed was prophesied in the Bible. However, a close examination of these references shows that they don't fit Mohammed. These are references that usually point either to Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
Here are the most quoted examples:

In the Old Testament: " The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken. I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." (Deuteronomy 18:15 & 18)

This can't possibly refer to Mohammed. Mohammed is the descendant of Ishmael, and the Jews never looked at the descendants of Ishmael as "brothers." On the other hand Jesus fits the description "like unto Moses." Jesus was a Hebrew, as was Moses, while Mohamed was not. Jesus performed signs and wonders, as did Moses, and Mohamed did not. Peter, in the New Testament, left no doubt about the fact that this prophecy applies to Jesus.
(See Acts 3:20-26)

In the New Testament: " But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me. "(John 16:26).

Muslims say that the Greek word which was translated "the comforter", actually means " the praised one" or "Mahmoud" in Arabic, in reference to Mohammed. It is true that there is a word, similar in pronunciation, which means "the praised one," however the word used in the Gospels is different and is accurately translated to "the Comforter." This, no doubt, refers to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a spirit, while Mohammed was flesh. The Holy Spirit was sent to the disciples, but Mohammed came in 6 centuries after the death of the disciples. The Holy Spirit was said that he would "dwell" with the disciples (John14: 17). On the other hand Mohammed never saw the disciples. It was said that the world would "not see" the Holy Spirit, but people saw Mohammed.



Islam in Fast Demise

In Africa Alone Everyday, 16,000 Muslims Leave Islam

Hitler said if a lie is repeated often enough and long enough, it would come to be perceived as truth. One such lie often repeated is “Islam is the fastest growing religion”.

Despite the fact that Muslims by virtue of being poor and uneducated are much more reproductive than others, Islam as a religion is not growing but dying fast. More and more Muslims are discovering that the violence evinced by some of their coreligionists is not an aberration but is inspired by the teachings of the Qur’an and the examples set by its author. Muslims are becoming disillusioned with Islam. They find out that the mechanistic ritual of praying five times per day, reciting verses that they do not understand and indeed mean nothing, getting up at taxing hours of the morning and abstaining from food and water until the sunset are not means to becoming more spiritual but are instruments to control their mind. These enlightened Muslims no more heed to the fear mongering verses of the Qur’an that threaten to burn them and roast them in the fires of hell if they dare to think and question the validity of that book.

Every day thousands of Muslim intellectuals are leaving Islam. They find Islam inconsistent with science, logics, human rights and ethics. Millions of Iranians already have left Islam. The enlightened Muslims of other nationalities are not far behind. This is the beginning of a mass exodus from Islam. It is a movement that is already in motion and nothing can stop it. However the exodus from Islam is not reserved to the intellectuals but also the average Muslims are finding that Islam is not the way to God but to ignorance, poverty and wars. They are leaving Islam to embrace other religions especially the Christianity. Perhaps it is best to listen to the truth coming from the mouth of the horse.

The Internet site published an interview with Ahmad Al Qataani, an important Islamic cleric who said: “In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity." What Muslims say among each other, is not the same thing that they say for the consumption of the Westerners. These are huge numbers. If this trend continues we can expect to see Islam become insignificant in Africa in just a few decades. This is good news for those who are concerned about the on going slavery in Africa and the prospects of war and genocide. In fact with the weakening of Islam, we can hope to see peace in many war-ridden parts of the world including Palestine. By now it should be clear that any road map to peace between Israel and Palestine will be blocked by the Islamists and the terrorists. Peace in Middle East is not possible as long as Islam is the ideology of the masses. It is important that we realize that this terrorism that is threatening the peace of the world and these wars that bleed the Muslim nations are not economically motivated but are they are hate motivated. They are religious wars. The weakening of Islam means peace for mankind.

Al Qataani and al Jazeera Network were alarmed by these huge numbers of Muslims leaving Islam, but humanity must rejoice over these numbers. The weakening of Islam means the triumph of mankind. The following is part of the transcript of Al Jazeera's Interview with Al Qataani translated to English. Here is the original transcript in Arabic

Maher Abdallah: Dear viewers, peace of Allah be upon you, greetings and welcome to a new episode of the program Islamic Law and Life. Our topic this evening will be Christianization in the Dark Continent ... Africa. For after Islam was the religion of the majority, the great majority of that continent, the number of Muslims now is no greater than a third of the population. This is taking into consideration, of course, that a large portion of this group are Arab Muslims. No doubt that the missions of evangelization and Christianization played a great role in this demographic shift of Muslims in the continent. To discuss this topic, it is my pleasure to introduce today a man who is an expert on the issue of evangelization and Christianization in Africa, even though he will concentrate on the issue of Christianization first and foremost…. Sheikh Ahmad Al Qataani; the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, which is an institution specializing in graduating imams and Islamic preachers. Sheikh Ahmad, welcome to you on the program.

Ahmad Al Qataani: Greeting to you.

Maher Abdallah: If we start by inquiring about your strict stance against the Christian missions in Africa, don’t the followers of every religion have the right to seek new converts, exactly as you train and graduate young Muslims to propagate Islam?

Ahmad Al Qataani: I seek refuge in Allah the Seer, the Knower, from the stoned devil. In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent. Thanks to Allah the One, the Only, the Permanent One, who did not give birth nor was born, to whom no one was equal. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah who has no partners, and I bear witness that our master Muhammed – Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him - is his messenger and seal of prophets; Allah prayers be upon him and his brothers the prophets and messengers and their families. The question that you pose is a result of not comprehending the difference between the concept of Christianization and the concept of evangelism. The concept of evangelism: is inviting the non-Christians to the Christian or Nazarene religion, and this is the right of every Christian and the right of every believer to call others to his faith. However, we are talking about a different matter; which is Christianization. Christianization means the following: preparing plans, and executing these plans and evolving these plans to change Muslims into Christians by taking advantage of the ignorance and poverty (of the people) and whatever necessitates from similar circumstances. So, we are faced with the issue of taking advantage of circumstances, taking advantage of humanitarian needs, taking advantage of the lack of education for example, that these people (missionaries) use to take Muslims out of their religion.

Maher Abdallah: Fine. This is a big and dangerous phrase. Taking advantage of poverty, of ignorance, of lack of education, of some need is something that a Muslim can also be accused of. So if you don’t back up what you say with examples, with references, your words remain in the air without much weight to them.

Ahmad Al Qataani: The reality is that these words say a lot less than they should. As we said in the beginning, everyone has the right to invite others to his religion; this is what is known as evangelism (or proselytizing). As for Christianization, no one has the right to take Muslims out of their religion, and you asked for references and the references are too numerous. Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa’s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century. On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.

As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity These numbers are very large indeed …..

Maher Abdallah (interrupting): Hold on! Let me clarify. Do we have 6 million converting from Islam to Christianity or converting from Islam and other religions?

Ahmad Al Qataani: Great (question)! The other religions are not placed on the list of Christianization; rather they are placed on the list of evangelization. The other religion in Africa is paganism; so it’s Islam, Christianity or paganism. There isn’t something similar to Asia for example where you have Buddhism or Zoroastrianism. In Africa it is just these three, so if you talk about Christianization then it targets the only other heavenly religion which is Islam. As for paganism, those people worship animals and planets and the like.

Maher Abdallah: So 6 million Muslims a year convert?

Ahmad Al Qataani: Every year ….. In the African nations this century a tragedy happened. Take for example what happened in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is an Arab nation and I am not saying a Muslim nation. If any student looks up the word Habasha (Ethiopia) in the book Ocean Dictionary written by Al-Fairuz Abady, he will find that the word Habashat means “people of different tribes” and this is what happened. Ethiopia was a place where Arabs from different tribes would go to live for a while. We all know that Islam entered Ethiopia before Islam entered the city of Medina. We all know that AL-Najashy (the ruler of Ethiopia) was a Muslim. It is mentioned by Al-Darkatny in his biography of the prophet – Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him – that during the month of Rajab in the 9th year of the Hijra (Muslim calendar) that the prophet said to his companions: “Rise up and pray on your brother Al-Najashy.” From that year on the practice of praying on the absent was established. Therefore from the time of the prophet – Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him – Islam entered Ethiopia. So what has happened to Ethiopia? What happened is that in the days of Emperor Hela Silasi who used to force Muslims to bow to the Christian, and if he refused then he was whipped 45 lashes and jailed between 2 and 5 years. In the year 1948, a massacre occurred at the hands of the Amharic tribes; the Amharic being Christians and collaborators, who continued to slaughter Muslims for 7 months and perform the most horrific acts imaginable. For example they deprived them from the most basic human rights, to the point that they mutilated the male Muslim’s reproductive organs so that no more Muslim children would be born. Ethiopia was rewarded after all these horrific acts; rewarded by being made the head quarters of the African Unity League. Let us move to another location in Africa, let it be Nigeria. Nigeria is known by Muslims by the name of the Land of Takror. Nigeria was founded at the beginning of the last century by the British, and many Islamic sources mention it’s name as the Land of Tekror. There is even a letter by the reciter Suyuti, who died in the year 911 Hijri, where the title is: Opening the blessed request and relating the hidden openly to the questions of the people of Takror. So there was an established relationship, and they used to send questions to the scholars of Islam, so this letter (of questions) was sent from one of the sheikh scholars of Nigeria that was called Takror to the Muslim scholar AL Suyuti in Egypt and he in turn responded and the contents of this letter are published and printed and is found in the book “The collection Islamic decrees”. Nigeria’s population is 120 million people, 70% of whom are Muslim. In the 1960’s a British missionary came and declared that he will Christianize North Nigeria, the majority of whom are Muslim. As a result, Ahmad Banulo (from the leaders of the Muslims) was forced at the time to move him to Lagos the capital. As a result the butcher Arorese, that was present at the time, eliminated all the Muslim rulers and killed Ahmad Banulo, why? Because he merely dared to move this missionary who declared that he wishes to Christianize North Nigeria. In another country, Zanzibar, is an Arabic African nation and I am not saying Muslim. Zanzibar was always connected to the Sultanate of Oman (in the Persian Gulf). Concerning Zanzibar, there was a priest by the name Julius Niriry, president of Tanzania, who annihilated 20,000 Muslims (male and female) with a military force lead by a chicken thief. This thief was imprisoned for being accused of stealing chickens; he was released and asked to command the military brigade that annihilated 20,000 Muslims.

Maher Abdallah: My dear viewers welcome back to this episode where we are speaking about the topic of Christianization in the African continent and we are speaking with the Sheikh who is observing and following this issue, as each hour Islam loses just under 700 Muslims who join the Christian religion which leads us to the number of 6 million Muslims every year. Our sir, you mentioned that there are advantages being taken of necessities: poverty, ignorance; what you mentioned then are waves of elimination, waves of religious eradication, and there is no need to call is racial eradication….. However, let us go back to the topic necessity and exploitation. This may have all been in the past; the military expeditions that you spoke of were all in the beginning or middle of the last century, but what is happening today in regards to exploiting necessities?

Ahmad Al Qataani: What I wanted to say is that these military expeditions and wars paved the way for what we are seeing today; converting 6 million Muslims every year did not happen from nothing, but was a result of what I mentioned earlier. As for the topic of necessity exploitation, then a nation like Somalia, whose population is 9.5 million people, are all Muslim without exception. There are no Christians or pagans. And if you did find any then they are an insignificant number that are not even on official statistics. A Belgian missionary by the name of Sabeh came to Somalia and purchased 30,000 Muslim youth, he took advantage of their parents poverty, and we all know the terrible situation that Somalia is going through now and what it went through a few years ago. This is taking advantage of a humanitarian need that any human can go through.



Why do Christians criticize violence in the Qur’an, when the Bible is full of violence?

The Old Testament does, indeed, record various acts of violence committed by men against each other or kings against other kings. Much of that was done against God's will, and the aggressors in such violence were condemned and punished by God.

Another type of so-called violence in the Old Testaments was actually punishment from God against evil nations
. Those nations took it upon themselves to disobey God's authority, tempt God's people to commit sin, sow corruption on earth, and defile the land. The reason that God decided to get rid of them was to contain evil so it would not contaminate society, and to stop evil from spreading through their offspring. Sometimes God dealt directly with such evil as in the cases of the flood at the time of Noah and the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah. At other times God ordered His people to eliminate these evil nations. It is important to note that God's judgment came upon these nations after a waiting period of 400 years (Genesis 15). During that time God gave them chance after chance to repent, but they chose to continue with their evil, filling the cup of their iniquity.

The New Testament, on the other hand, brings with it a new dispensation based on grace. Forgiveness was the main theme of Jesus' teachings. When the Jews brought to Him a woman who was caught committing adultery, asking that she be stoned, Jesus gave the woman a second chance, telling the accusers, "
He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." (John 8:7). Jesus taught us not to resist evil, but to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). Jesus rebuked Peter for using the sword (Matthew 26:52). When Jesus' disciples, James and John, asked for fire to come down from heaven to consume a village that did not receive Him, Jesus rebuked them saying, "Ye, know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." (Luke 9:55&56)

It seems regressive rather than progressive that, after Jesus, another messenger would come from God, to advocate using the sword.

And, how about violence committed in the name of Christianity, such as in the Crusades, and in the Balkan...etc.?

Although such violence was done in the name of Christianity, Christianity did not sanction it. Because the Crusades to control Jerusalem were not from God, they ended in defeat. This land was not for them. Christianity is a spiritual and peaceful religion that doesn't call for physical occupation of lands or political rule over people.

Any person who claims to be Christian and commits atrocities against others is not a true Christian. The fruit of a tree is an indication of what kind of a tree it is. The fruit of a Spirit- filled Christian is "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." (Galatians 5:22&23).

The wars in the Balkan are ethnic rather than religious. They took place between different ethnic groups that happened to belong to Christianity or Islam. It is an old struggle, and all sides committed atrocities against one another during different periods of past history. Christianity doesn't approve of the atrocities committed by those so-called "Christians." Christians around the world condemned the violence against the Muslims, and Western, predominantly Christian, countries were instrumental in stopping the violence and protecting the Muslims.

By contrast, [for example], the Muslim government of Khartoum is waging genocide against Christians and Animists in South Sudan. Over 2 millions have been killed so far, and thousands of women and children are being sold into slavery. We have yet to see a Muslim country coming to help those victimized people.

If polygamy is wrong, why was it practiced in the Bible?

Polygamy is against human nature. No woman, whether she is a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew or an atheist would be happy to see another woman in the arms of her husband. When God created Adam, He created for him one Eve not four.

God did not design polygamy in the Old Testament. It was man's choice and it was a corrupting element for man.
Solomon's wives corrupted his life and he ended up being disobedient to the God of Israel, and worshiping idols.

In the New Testament Jesus made it clear that it is one woman for one man. Jesus said, "
But from the beginning of the creation God made them (one) male and (one) female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain but one flesh." (Mark 10: 6-8)

If Islam is not from God, why is it the fastest growing religion in the world?

First we have to assume that Islam is in fact the fastest growing religion. No concrete scientific evidence has been presented to prove the point. It may well be that perhaps atheism is the fastest growing belief in the world.

It is not coincidental that the growth of Islam happened to occur during the last few decades, and after the discovery of oil in the Islamic world. Billions of Dollars from oil revenues have been poured into Islamic evangelism. The money is being used to build mosques, hire activists, print books and pamphlets, and buy television and radio time. The money is also being used to help financially those who embrace Islam, and to support extremist Islamic groups who are waging a jihad against those whom they label as infidels. It is a carrot and the stick policy to entice people into Islam, and at the same time to deter critics of Islam from freely voicing their opinions.

The total number of followers is not indicative of the validity of the religion. Movements that fall in line with satisfying fleshly desires are usually more popular than those which seek to satisfy the spirit
. For example, a party that will feature a performance of belly dancers will most likely attract more people than a prayer meeting.

Christianity never claimed that it is a religion for the masses, rather it is only for the few who sincerely search for the truth
. Jesus said, "
wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
" (Matthew 7:13&14). Notice here that the broad way that leads to destruction is available for the masses to simply go upon it. On the other hand, the narrow way is not easily found. One must be willing to search for it until he/she finds it. On the broad way, people benefit from going upon it, while on the narrow way, people sacrifice by going upon it.



Islam’s Weakness is Islam

Political Correctness nowadays prohibits it…

During my recent visit to Manila, I was surprised to read the annals of the 1911 local history. It has been said that one could always learn from the past. The annals go like this (due to brevity, I will cut the stories short):

During the US colonial occupation of the Philippines in 1911, the colonel in charge of the small, but remote island of Palawan, was having a terrible time countering the Islamic Jihad being fought there. With only a battalion at his disposal, he was outgunned and out manned. Interested in history, the colonel realized, knowing the enemy is half the battle won. He thought the only way to beat these Islamic terrorists is to ascertain their religious weaknesses. He noticed that Muslims go to great lengths to give a wide berth to avoid dogs – even small ones. This odd phenomenon, though he had seen frequently, never struck the colonel to investigate before. This time though, he made inquiries, and was informed that Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs.

(The Hadith, details the reasons for this. Mohammed did not realize where the horrible stinking smell was coming from, until three days later, he saw his dead puppy dog decomposing under his bedstead. He then cursed all dogs, and from then on, Muslims are not allowed to touch dogs, especially its saliva around the mouth).

The colonel then immediately ordered for as many dogs as he could get. As soon as 37 dogs were delivered, he sent his men armed with dogs into the local Muslims’ houses (bedrooms, kitchen, and all) in a ‘house to house’ search supposedly for Islamic terrorists. This type of ‘house to house’ searches terrified the local Muslims. The Muslim leaders immediately cooperated with the Americans by voluntarily and freely catching the Islamic terrorists (dead or alive) and handing them over to the Americans. Soon after, an American General, John L. Hansen Jr. who was in charge of the larger southern Philippine Island of Mindanao was amused to know of the Palawan episode.

Mindanao was overwhelmed with Islamic Jihad too, creating destruction, murder, rape, looting, bombings, kidnappings, beheadings, etc. General Hansen was at his wits end and was loosing a lot of his men, with no sign of improvement, whatever plan he initiated. In July 1911, the generals soldiers managed to capture 8 Islamic Terrorists. A subsequent trial found 7 of the Islamic terrorists to be executed and the eighth to 19 years imprisonment. Taking a cue from the colonel in the Palawan Island, who successfully quelled the Islamic insurrection there, General Hansen decided to also use this opportunity to set Islam against Islam. He devised a plan to put an end to this Islamic insurrection in Mindanao Island. In the wee hours of the morning, he had the 7 Islamic terrorists to dig their own graves. The eighth terrorist was handcuffed and made to watch the American execution process. The 7 Islamic terrorists were then tied to 7 posts, but without blindfolds, so that they too could see the proceedings of their own execution. Years of Islamic nurturing, taught the Muslims that, if a pig contaminated their bodies, they would go direct to the fires of hell permanently; instead of as martyrs to paradise to enjoy sex exclusively with 72 fair virgin maidens forever. The soldiers then slaughtered a live Pig in front of them. The terrorists’ clothes and body were smeared with the pig's blood and fat. The pig was cut into 7 portions and placed in each grave. On witnessing all this, the terrorists’ eyes almost popped out, and it terrified the terrorists. Some even urinated out of shear terror and all went blue/black shouting and screaming for Allah to save them but in vain. The terrorists were petrified of such a death and burial, and were left to beg, cry, bawl, plead, and scream their souls out, all day. At sundown, the 7 terrorists were shot and their bodies were placed in each grave, together with the chunk of pork.

The eighth Islamic Terrorist was ordered to fill up the 7 graves and subsequently set free. This 8th terrorist fled for his life and the news spread like wildfire, and immediately all Muslims became aware of the unique but very UN-Islamic ‘American system of execution’, and just the thought alone, terrorized all the Muslims into a fit of total terror. The Islamic Jihad vanished almost instantaneously. Thereafter, a sudden peace prevailed in every part of the Philippines, not a bullet was fired, thousands of lives of innocent men, women and children, and property were saved, and the Islamic Jihad was never heard of, till well after the Philippine independence, more than 50 years later. (To my surprise, every Filipino I interviewed, seemed to know of these historical episodes. Some said it is true, others said it could be exaggerated, but no one denied the episodes ever took place. Local historians say, there is no other credible event around 1911 to have terrorized the Muslims to suddenly drop their barbaric Islamic insurrection, and believe this to be accurate and true. The Filipinos also sadly told me, “the Philippine Catholic Church has decreed against these methods, as it contravenes the Lord's teachings; evangelizing is being applied instead, but conversions are not fast enough to stem this Islamic savagery today”).

On a similar note, but pertaining to Christianity; when Jesus was asked about unclean food, his reaction was clear. "
Are you so dull?" he (Jesus) asked, "Don't you see that nothing that enters a man (food) from the outside can make him unclean? For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.") He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' It's from within, out of men's hearts come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean'.” Mark 7:18-23. (How true). Consequently, in Acts 15 the apostles under the guidance from the Holy Spirit released the Gentile converts from just about all of the dietary laws of Judaism; in 1 Corinthians Paul says that all foods are fine to eat as long as one is sensitive to the conscience of a ‘weaker brother’. (Thus, superseding the Old Testament). Dear Readers, please E-mail this article to everyone in your address book.
