Monday 28 October 2019

Miss Faiza Ramzan Update II: Islam gives full rights to women

We received the following two emails from Miss Ramzan: 

Miss Ramzan
you’ll see on the day of judgement, which is close, you will ask for mercy and forgiveness and allah(swt) ont forgive you.
and by the way islam gives full right to women i know what your point is you are saying that islam hates women when it is said in islam that ” a women was born from the side of a man, she was not born beneath him to get tread all over and nor was she born on his head as a master, she was born at his side EQUAL to him”
also in islam if you make a women cry allah the almighty will make you pay for every tear which she has said
tell me who has more rights men or women
trust me ”THE TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT NO MATTER WHAT” you lying little creep!!!
cant you face the facts huh?

And, here is a copy of her second email:

Miss Ramzan
it is right to cut the hands of a theif because that way people wont bother stealing
have you ever heard of someone staeling in saudi arabia
let me answer that for you:-
have you heard about rape cases in saudi arabia
have heard about saudi arabia fighting or vandalism
YOU KNOW WHY because these people are scared to fight in the house of allah (swt) and they have imaan and modesty their scared that their hands will get chopped of which is why no one even daresto do such a thing
now you tell me why is the sharia law wrong when it gets us muslims in the right path

Editor’s Response

FFI has tried to engage Miss Ramzan with some rational discussion. So far, we have seen nothing rational from her other than abusive verbal attacks against us because we criticize Islam. We think the readers have seen that in our previous postings about Miss Ramzan’s email.

A final note that we would like to add is that Miss Ramzan seems to think that there is a lot of good in Saudi Arabia. We invite her to read Dr. Sami Alrabaa; a Saudi national who lived there for most of his life. The title of his book is Karin in Saudi Arabia. His book is available from Amazon. com. We think that this book will give her a good idea about what is going on in her “Heaven of Earth”; Saudi Arabia. If there is a Hell on earth, it is Saudi Arabia.


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