Thursday 16 April 2009

Muhammad And His Personal Enemies

A list of his murderous action

One of the most telling observations about the character of people is how they deal with their enemies. When we are put under pressure by being challenged and questioned, then our real character and personality is revealed that might easily be hidden when everything is under control.

The allegedly "
flawless character of Muhammad" is often used as evidence that he is the prophet of God and his message, the Qur'an, the very word of God.

This page will provide you with source material and our conclusions so that you can read and make your own evaluation and informed decision what you will believe about this historically very important person who greatly influenced our world for better or worse.

The following are names of people whose execution was suggested, requested or ordered by Muhammad. Many of them were
assassinated, some got away for reasons of unforeseen circumstances. But deeds are judged by intention and the intention or request for assassination is serious in itself.

Overview article:

Mohammed without Camouflage
Muhammad’s Dead Poets Society

Individual case studies:

Ka`b bin al-Ashraf
Sallam Ibn Abu'l-Huqayq (Abu Rafi)
Al-Nadr bin al-Harith
`Uqba bin Abi Mu`ayt
`Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salul al-`Aufi
Umaiya bin Khalaf Abi Safwan
`Amr b. Jihash
An anonymous man
Ibn Sunayna
Abd Allah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh
Abu `Afak
`Asma' Bint Marwan

The Deaths of Asma and Abu Afak:
Examining the Historical Basis for these Murders

The Meccan Ten:

Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl
Habbar Ibn al-Aswad
Miqyas Ibn Sababah al-Laythi
Abd Allah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh (
more detail in the above article)
Al-Huwayrith Ibn Nuqaydh
Abd Abbah Ibn Hilal Ibn Khatal al-Adrami
Hind Bint Utbah
Sarah the mawlat of `Amr Ibn Hashim

Al-Yusayr b. Rizam and Khalid b. Sufyan b. Nubayh
Ibn Sunayna

What really happened to the Banu Qurayza

Excessive cruelty in the cases of

Kinana b. al-Rabi` and
the people from Urayna.

A Christian perspective on these events.



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